Improve the visibility of your company on the internet : Our top tips
August 3, 2022

How can you improve the visibility of your company on the internet?

Being visible on the internet means making your business or organization available and known on the web. A variety of marketing tools exist to help you achieve the best results: websites, advertising, partnerships...  

It's up to you to define what you need to put in place to improve your awareness!

August 3, 2022

Improving your visibility on the Internet: why is it important?

Visibility, reputation and presence on the Internet

Lot's of businesses nowadays - the Digitally Native Vertical Brands - are grow solely by focusing all their efforts on the web. They have literally bet everything on this acquisition channel. Marketing, advertising, strategy... Plenty of evidence that it is possible to develop a business 100% via the Internet!

Other companies have looked at the web more as an additional tool to acquire other customers. As a vehicle for more visibility and recognition.

Remember: Where there is visibility, there is potential. By establishing an online presence, you will be able to reach many more prospects and potential customers.

Achieving visibility on the internet can be done in different ways: your company might appear when someone does a search on the internet. Someone may discover one of your products via a social network, or hear about your company from influencers. There are many ways to be visible on the web.

Being visible is the first step towards establishing a brand online. The important point is that people talk about you, that you appear in the search results when your prospects are looking for information on your industry / in your area of expertise.

Companies that appear in the first results of Google search on a query will be more easily viewed as "credible" or "competent", than those who appear on the 3rd page of search results!

However, to achieve such a result, you must first have a solid digital marketing strategy.

To increase your visibility on the Internet, you need a good long-term strategy!

Improving the visibility of your website, and therefore of your company, can take time. In practice, it is said that it takes 6 months to 1 year to measure the first results of a visibility strategy on the Internet.

You can also mix in a short term strategy, like paid advertising on the internet, for example, for some quick wins.

In the long term, it's best to use a variety of brand awareness tools can help you improve the positioning of your website on the Internet: natural referencing, content creation, a consistent activity on social networks, brand awareness work with trendsetters or influencers, etc.

Our advice: have a multi-step strategy. If you don't have the time or financial resources to launch both natural referencing and social networks for example, prioritize! Start by testing a strategy, observe the first results. Then invest in another tool to raise awareness even more.

Your decisions must be made based on your resources and the time you can dedicate to testing these methods.

4 concrete tools to improve your visibility on the internet

A company website

The website or the web page is the first step to create an online presence and to improve the visibility of your company.

It is important to present your company and your offers on your own website. If you sell products or services, don't hesitate to write educational content so that your prospects and customers have all the necessary information before buying.

In addition, it is important to have a website that meets today's web standards. Accessibility and user-friendliness are paramount! Therefore, don't forget to think about the design of your website: it must be easily accessible from a cell phone or a computer. It should also be minimalist and reflect your brand!

Nowadays, creating a website can be done quite easily because many tools allow you to create an online storefront.

You can launch your business online very easily with tools like Qart: we designed it especially for those who need a quick, easy and risk-free tool to bring their business online.

Whichever software you choose, make sure it allows you to easily manage your online business, manage your inventory, ship your orders, have access to credit card payment, etc.

Get known on social networks

To reach out to your potential customers, promote your products or services on social media! Here again, you will need an effective strategy. The idea is to publish regularly on your social networks and share quality content that will interest your prospects.

Be yourself in your posts! Go for an educational or funny tone, answer your customers' questions, show the behind-the-scenes of your company... The important thing is to make yourself visible to create a community around your brand. Creating a community means creating awareness.

The most popular social networks for selling products are: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok. The more active and consistent you are, the more exposure your brand will get.

You can also link to your website on each of these social networks. This is how social media can generate traffic to your website.

Paid Search Engine Advertisements

Test paid search engine optimization

The paid referencing or SEA is a paid advertising technique that will make you visible on search engines. How does it work? It's easy, you pay to be displayed on a specific keyword.

Whenever your prospect types this keyword in the search bar of his browser, there is a better chance that your company will be positioned in the first results.

Paid referencing is a very effective visibility acquisition technique for websites. If you want to start right now, head over to the Google Ads platform, you can start even with a small budget.

Gain visibility with SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is another technique to develop the visibility of your website.

The goal is to try to appear in the first search results when your prospects type a keyword related to your business!

This requires a well optimized website, but also the creation of content pages that match the keywords your customers are looking for. It is also essential to write regularly and optimize your texts for the web.

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Frequently asked questions: Improve your visibility on the web

Why should I be visible on Google?

Before making a purchase, many of us search on the web for information on the desired product. It has therefore become vital for a company, a craftsman, a merchant, to have a web presence. Being visible on Google means being visible to prospects all over Europe (and the world!).

How do I get more visibility on Google?

In order for a website to be more visible on Google, there are two main strategies to consider: paid referencing which brings short-term traffic: you must pay to boost the visibility of your web page. There is also the natural referencing which requires you to optimize your website and to regularly create quality content.

What tools can I use to boost the visibility of my company on the web?

This article presents 4 marketing actions to improve your company's visibility. But there are many others. They are powerful tools such as newsletters, e-RP, webinars, promotional SMS, creating a Google My Business page to appear on Google Maps, etc. The important thing is to choose what will be the most appropriate for your business.‍